We're passionate about taking life to the outdoors, wherever that may be. Our Eagle Eye Guide program is an ambassador program which brings together a group of active and passionate content creators from around the area. While the occupations and interests of these ambassadors range greatly, they are all linked by their passion for the Eagle Eye brand.
Want to be a Guide?
Applications close August 23
Do you have an affiliate program?
While we do not have a traditional affiliate program, we have an alternative approach that involves collaborating with our Guides, also known as influencers. Our Guide program offers an opportunity for individuals to partner with us and promote our brands in a meaningful way.
When are Guides chosen?
We typically open up applications for new Guides twice a year, around January/February and August/September. To stay updated and be notified when applications open, we encourage you to follow us on social media.
Instagram at @eagleeyedothan
Facebook: @EagleEyeOutfitters
What are the basic requirements of the Guide program?
To be a Guide you must be 18 years or older, have public soical media profiles, post frequently (within the past 6 weeks) , abide by our community guidelines.